Can Culture Be Wrong?

Can Culture Be Wrong? Why or Why Not?


  1. DeMoranville culture can not be wrong. culture can't be wrong because it's right to that culture. it's only wrong to other culture's. it just depends on where u stand for that idea.

  2. villalobo isaac

    culture can be wrong, they do bad things. they murder and hurt innocent people. they ban stupid things. no matter what SOME people think, there is right and wrong, and some cultures are wrong.

  3. Mello: Culture can not be wrong in the perspective of whoever culture it is. It can only be wrong coming from someone else, who has a different. The things that people believe in are something that we have to respect. We may not believe in it as much as they do. But we should respect that they have that belief, even if we don't agree with it. They should do the same with ours, but a lot of people just don't respect others cultures at all.

  4. Lee: Culture can be wrong depending on who's perspective it is coming from. Every culture has different morals and opinions that differ from other cultures. For example, in the Islamic culture they believe that women should not have the same rights as a man, but to an American where we do believe women should have equal rights we would consider that to be wrong.

  5. LaBree: I believe that culture cannot technically be wrong, because there are no rules and guidelines for how a culture should run. However, one culture can be thought of as wrong or cruel from other cultures around the world. For example, in the United States, we view radical terrorist groups such as ISIS as being horribly wrong and heinous and we do not agree with their customs, but they do not agree with our customs either. It all depends on your own personal perspective of other cultures around the world.

  6. Maini
    Culture cant be wrong. People from a different culture can think other cultures are bad, but its all viewed differently. U.S. might think Isis is Bad but Isis things the U.S. is bad

  7. bagnell. yes a culture can be wrong because for example isis kills people for part of their religion. i dont think they should kill innocent people as part of their religion.

  8. Botelho, No, culture can not be wrong because of the way people look at things. For example we look at these terrorist groups and say they do wrong but we might do things that they might think are wrong.

  9. Michaelis-
    So to an american that has lived in American culture their whole life, any other culture is different and weird.People often are afraid of what is different. So some cultures have customs that other cultures think are wrong, but that is the way they live. However murder is wrong no matter how you spin it, so if a culture is okay with murder, then I do believe that culture can be morally wrong.

  10. Boyd Garrett: I believe a culture cannot be wrong until one culture see's another as inferior. With an example of ISIS, the U.S. views their acts as terrorism, when ISIS views it as justified murders or terrorism. The latter, they view our culture as flawed because we don't commonly practice their beliefs and cultures and also don't use religion to justify wrongdoings.

  11. McManus
    I think that culture cannot be considered totally wrong. It is okay to disagree with the actions of another culture but, to them what they believe is true. It is understandable to view others differently, and not positively, it may be something horrible but in their mind it is right.

  12. Bonino- We can easily perceive a culture to be wrong. Yet every culture believes in their own culture and could very likely be talking down on the culture we live in. Everyone will believe in their own culture even though what they are doing can be considered to be wrong by many other people.


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