How are the Roma Incorporating into Today’s Europe?

In one paragraph or more, use details from the Gypsy Child Thieves Video and The Road to Inclusion Video as well as quotes from the Who Are the Roma People article to explain how the Roma people are incorporating into today's Europe.


  1. In the Gypsy Child Thieves video, after the Roma people were being kicked out of their homes, families were suggested to go to social services for rehabilitation purposes. Children were also brought in for the same reason, although many of them would go back to where the came from. Despite the fact that the Gypsy people generally did not accept the social services and rehabilitation, at least some societies in Europe are making efforts to help them out and teach them life skills. In The Road to Inclusion video, the Roma people were denied their rights to be apart of the countries that they lived in because of a lack of paperwork and other things. They did not have access to medicine, free services, or any benefits. However, some programs on the down low were beginning to educate these Roma people, in attempt to improve their life skills and include them in society in some ways.

  2. The Roma people are incorporating into today's Europe through the use of programs being provided to them in order to help with diseases and poverty. The Roma people are going into the major cities in order to steal from citizens, therefore, may citizens do not trust them and do not believe they should receive any benefits such as healthcare and schooling from their country. From the Road to Inclusion video they reference how many children are overcome with diseases and the government will do nothing to help them since they are not exactly citizens. The reason the government will not help the children is because the children are also the ones contributing to stealing, like shown in the Gypsy Child Thieves Video. A woman is trying to help the Roma people with life skills, through he programs in order to better include the Roma families into society.

  3. Based on the Gypsy Child Thieves Video and The Road to Inclusion Video there are Roma people incorporating themselves into today's Europe. These people are living in poverty, often times large families with many kids have difficulty even getting enough food for survival.In many cases they have children go around the city to steal money right out of people's pockets or bags. Based on the video they can be quite successful doing this and actually get money. Also, for these people they have no documents so as shown in the video they recieve no medical treatment even in emergencies, without help from an organization or person who is trying to improve lives for these people. Some people have lost their lives as a result in a lack of medical attention. Today these people are being included more and more, beginning to learn life skills, and getting help and recieving a little medical attention, there are people who are working to improve the way of life for these people.

  4. the roma people are incredibly poor. they are stereotyped as thieves which isn't helped by the criminals using children for money. they live in terrible conditions. they live in basically trash in the shape of houses. there's a large ring of terrible people using gypsy children, sometimes stolen sometimes their own, to steal. they make millions while the kids are living like animals. because of new laws and policy's, they are registered as people, they don't get money, their kids don't have birth records, medicine or schooling. they grow up thinking this is all there is to life. they're lives are sad, poor and terrible. non-goverment groups are trying to help them, like getting them to a hospital, telling them to stop having kids. besides that no one really cares.

  5. Today the Roma people are trying to adapt and survive in a society that is not too fond of them. They are viewed as people that are thieves and criminals that will do anything to get money. Often times they are born into lives of poverty and are forced into stealing. There were girls in the Gypsy Child Thieves video that were forced to marry even though they were only 12 or 13. That can be a tough on a kid at that age. This can cause actions that a normal 12 year old wouldn't do. 12 year olds should not be forced to make money and support a family. It is a tough life of poverty that these individuals try to steal out of. Although Mr Kinney said "Shut up Levi" i believe that these words in this paragraph are very well thought out and put together.
    Levi Michaelis

  6. according to the gypsy child thieves video and the road to inclusion video the roma people are not assimilating into European culture. although many groups and organizations fight to protect the rights of the roma people they are not official citizens of any country so they have no governmental benefits such as public schooling. as a result of this many of the roma turn to petty crime and much more well connected crime rings to get cash to stay alive. unless the ethnic hatred of the gypsy people is let go than the situation they are in will not improve.

  7. Roma citizens have impacted children's youth which has incorporated into their Europe's society. They influence cults such as Gypsy's. Whereas, they kidnap children from their families and take away the child's youth of their childhood at the age around 12-13. The children are taught to steal and are held in sheds till they are let loose so they can bring back money for their controllers. Girls are profited by their parents and agreed to marriage at about that age. Doctors Don't allow undocumented children into their facilities which leads to the child's death or sickness to increase.

  8. The struggles for the Roma people are great as they are constantly belittled and excluded from today's Europe. For some of them it is Expected because as shown in the Gypsy Child thieves video, there are many Gypsy communities that raise there children to steal. But there are also communities that want to put in the work and get a job but they are pushed out due to stereotypes.

  9. Roma people are treated really poorly in today's society in Europe. A lot of them are poor and live in little camps that are made up whatever they can find. Roma people are discriminated as soon people find out out they're Roma. People automatically think that they're thieves and they're not citizens of the country they live in. This is how Roma people are treated in Europe today

  10. The gypsy child thieves are young child who do the dirty work for older guys like selling drugs. Also they would try to steal people money when they were getting it out of the ATM. The Road to the inclusion video had very poor kids, it was about a a poor family having nothing. they had 7 kids. the father would work hard to get recyclables to feed the family. the roma is getting worse and need help like today Europe.


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